The T&T In Situ Machining GmbH is now listed as reference-supplier at Thyssen Krupp Rothe Erde GmbH.
One of the wordwide best known manufacturer for slewing bearings, the Thyssen Krupp Rothe Erde GmbH, has awarded T&T to be listed as reference-supplier for worldwide flangefacings. Thanks to this the company will inform and, in case, recommend suppliers for works like these to their customers.
With it’s 2 circular mills, FFM6500 and AX60/160, and 1 flange-facer, AX48/120, flanges of diameters up to 6.000mm can be machined worldwide on site. Regardless of the positional situation of the workpiece. As most convincing Thyssen Krupp Rothe Erde described the extremly massive and stable construction of our machines. Of course the company was last but not least convinced about the many years of experience T&T can show within this kind of services.
The whole team is very proud of this listing and the given trust in style of work and skills of every single employee.